What kind of camera/lens do you use? I use an older model Canon 30D and a Canon 50mm 1.4 lens. I’ve also heard that the inexpensive Canon 50mm 1.8 lens is really great. I am currently saving my pennies to buy a Canon Speedlite.

Do you cook/bake professionally? Negative. I worked in both the front and back of the house of various and restaurants and cafes during my summers in high school and college but I now have a full-time job in a very different field. Sometimes I daydream about opening a gluten-free cafe or food truck, but that’s probably not ever happening… I have a hard enough time keeping up with this blog.

Why are all of your recipes gluten-free? Because gluten-free is the wave of the future. In all seriousness, I have several autoimmune diseases and will be on a gluten-free diet for life. Pretty good for somebody who doesn’t like commitment!

Any Tips for Gluten-Free Baking? My #1 advice? Make sure all of your flours are superfine, otherwise your baked goods will have the dreaded gritty texture. I also wrote a post with some other tips here.

Can I use one of your recipes/posts/photos on my site? Possibly. Everything on the site (photos and content) is protected by copyright. My general rule is that you’re welcome to use one picture, as long as you provide credit and a link back to Girl Cooks World. In those cases, there’s no need to email and ask for permission. But please don’t copy and paste my text. If you’d like to feature some of my photos and recipes and/or text in your blog or website, just contact me to see whether it’s OK.

I wrote a comment and it was never published – why? You know, I’ve had friends tell me they’ve written a comment and it never got published. I do moderate every comment, but only weed out those that are spam. It seems as though some are getting lost in blogland? I’ve recently moved over to WordPress from Blogger and I hope I don’t have that problem anymore. If you’ve commented and it doesn’t get published (but keep in mind, it can take me a while to approve your comments since I do try to take internet breaks- entire days even!- now and again), please let me know via contact page.

Do you accept copies of cookbooks to review or products for consideration? Yes!  I often share great cookbooks and products with readers.  If there’s a cookbook or product that you think I (and my readers) should know about, contact me via email with a description of the item or just send it along to the address listed further down the page.

To be clear, my acceptance of a product does not guarantee a good review, nor is it a promise of any review at all. I generally try to abide by the saying, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”

How can I contact you? Click here.

Have a burning question that’s not answered here? Let me know and I’ll try to update this page ASAP.