Alice Santiago


Hot Headlines Farmers Markets Could Generate Tens of Thousands of New Jobs with Modest Federal Support, New Report Finds They're Growing Nationally, but Federal Policies...

From the Field

The Newest Way to Celebrate Local Food Year Round - Canning Swaps! -Jessica Greenblatt Seeley, Deputy Director At FoodRoutes, we're fortunate enough to hear a lot...

Farm to School

Schools should be a place where our children can thrive and form healthy habits that will last throughout their lives. Tragically, many school systems...

Why Buy Local?

Buying your food locally is good for your local economy, good for family farmers, good for your family’s health, and good for the environment....

Chapter Directory

(This page is currently being updated to include website links for all of the smaller Local chapters that fall under Regional Chapters, for the...

Buy Local Initiative

About Buy Fresh Buy Local Buy Fresh Buy Local chapters are popping up in every community across the USA! Check to see if a chapter...

Farm to College

College students: do you want delicious, nutritious local foods in your university or college cafeteria? You can start a Farm to College program to...

Buy Local Challenge

Sign On and Show Your Support for Local Food Sign up for free now ? enter for a chance to win a free Buy Local...


What is a foodshed? The term "foodshed" is similar to the concept of a watershed: while watersheds outline the flow of water supplying a particular...

About Me

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