Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes! for many the king of vegetables (even though we all know it’s a fruit don’t we?) grown for putting up.
Just as the mighty tomato straddles the veggie-fruit kingdoms, it also straddles the level of acidity needed to safely water bath can. a lot of old recipes don’t add acid before hot water bath canning, but modern times call for such measures. so if you’re trying this at home, make sure to use a source that follows the current USDA guidelines. or go straight to the source yourself. have a look here to find out why i’m roaring about this….and on to the recipes tomatoes straight up
bottled tomatoes – laundry etc i like the addition of balsamic, and the jam, ooh the jam looks sweet!canned whole tomatoes – the kitchenette
good for you, your photos rock and i love that you just did another canning virgin thing!
crushed tomatoes – bigger than a breadbox i hope you’ll be thinkin’ of me during the winter when you sit down to a nice hot bowl of tomato something-or-other!
crushed tomatoes – wine book girl ooh! bloody mary with homemade tomato juice and dilly beans. yikes! thanks for that – i’m in trouble.
stewed tomatoes – well preserved a lovely basic tomato canning recipe and lots wonderful tips on canning in general. good stuff!
tomato halves – all types of cooking and a whole lot of canning here! jane loves canning tomatoes i see, ’cause she gave us basic tomato sauce, salsa and ketchup. guess we better catch up, huh?
tomatoes packed in water – rufus and clementine ya see nik (i do see that you saw) when it comes to tomatoes simple is usually better. there’s time to get fancy when you open the jar. Ketchup
ketchup – market life sf very good tip on subbing in some cherries, and the fennel looks like a nice addition. can you taste it in the finished product?
ketchup – sustainable pantry i’m so glad i’m not the only one around here not afraid of a little labor! yes, it’s so worth it!
ketchup – putting by more homemade ketchup! you people are all caught up in the ketchin’ up! sounds like it was a hit, and just a little less celery seed next time! and this just in:Â bbq sauce!
orange tang ketchup – hip girl’s guide to homemaking this ketchup is gorgeous! the color, and i am so down for small batch anything miss kickass! (oh, and peeps, watch the clip!)
spicy ketchup – locally preserved this looks nice, immersion blenders are where it’s at, no? …and i like the spice! 🙂
tomato ketchup – what julia ate if i had a jar of this it would be all over my scrambled eggs! what? yeah right, like you don’t. 😉