Date with Fate Smoothie
The inspiration for this one comes from the Garden Isle. I’m not sure how the topic of smoothies came up, but a friend from...
Lait de Poule- Spiked Eggnog
I feel like the holiday season doesn’t officially begin until I have my first sip of eggnog. And although I’ve done my best to...
Rhubarb and Ginger Mojito
Although I’m happy (and lucky) to live in Honolulu, there sure are a lot of things I miss about living on the mainland. Proximity...
Apple and Cucumber Juice
Before getting into the apple and cucumber juice conversation, let me tell you something about myself. I grew up in a household where the...
Nepali Lassi
I realize that this drink isn’t going to necessarily appeal to all of you out there. Most of the lassi I’ve had in the...
Cucumber, Lime and Mint Cooler Recipe
Here’s another recipe inspired by Heidi Swanson to kick off the last week of Cleanse Month. The cucumber cooler recipe in her new cookbook,...
Watermelon Tequila Mojito
I know it’s not even August yet, but I feel like summer is passing me by and I haven't had a watermelon tequila mojito. ...
Mexican Mojito
When do you think of tequila, do you think of wild college parties, body shots, and Tijuana? Me too.* And I’ve never really thought...
Jamaican Carrot-Ginger-Lime Juice
I’ve bought those half gallon jugs of Odwalla carrot juice several times but never managed to actually finish one. I wish somebody had told...
Chicha Morada- Peruvian Purple Corn Drink
Had I seen these gorgeous purple corn husks outside of a Latin American grocery, I would have guessed that they were purely ornamental, much...