Preserving Food

Ramp ‘n ricotta gnudi

If you’ve never taken a shovel to the forest floor and pulled out dinner, the heady scent of deep and rich forest dirt flooding...

Jam on it: Plum hot jelly & almond butter

Attention: this is a public service announcement You may remember this Plum hot jelly look, I know plum season seems like forever ago and forever...

Kimchi Primer

If you were hanging around here last weekend, then you may know that I harvested a lot of Napa cabbage, for what has become...

Lavender Rhubarb Jam

I love lavender I mean c'mon - who doesn't love lavender? Any luva of lavendu is a luva a mine... ahem. That's why I'll...

Cool cukes: Quick & Easy ferments

It's been one of those summers. one of those that happens more and more frequently. fall is falling before summer even sums. If you know...

Rhubarb krack

Yes i did think twice about calling this monster, and hence this post, rhubarb krack. in fact, at first type i had the old-fashioned...

Golden jelly

Some of you may remember this from last year. You may also remember that we here in the northeast had such a rainy growing...

New england apple butter

Fall is the season of new england. there is no doubt about it in my book (blog?); it’s the legend of sleepy hollow, pumpkins...

Straight up Greengage jam

Finally! whew! I didn't think i would be gone this long. but on labor day weekend i had a few friends over to a...

Carrot spears with chervil

If you've been over here recently then you know that i have been rather busy the last few weeks. Haven't had a whole heck...