Looking for resources and tools to help your food and farming advocacy work? Take a look at Foodroutes’ Tools for Action — order our toolkits and download our factsheets and other promotional materials here. Check back often. There is more on the way.
Note: In order to view our Tools for Action you must be a registered FoodRoutes user. Not registered yet? ? Click here.
FoodRoutes Toolkits and Toolboxes
Order one of our toolkits or our toolbox, with marketing materials, research, tips and information.
BUY LOCAL TOOLKIT: Harvesting Support for Locally Grown Food: Lessons Learned from the “Be a Local Hero, Buy Locally Grown” Campaign
COMMUNICATOR’S TOOLKIT: Where Does Your Food Come From? Recipes for Communicating Effectively About American Agriculture
FoodRoutes Campaign Fact Sheets
BUY LOCAL CAMPAIGN MATERIALS: Download our Buy Local Campaign Sheets and Food Cost Tag Sheets for free and distribute them to promote buy local campaigns in your area.
FARM TO COLLEGE MATERIALS: Check out our Farm to College sheets and start getting your college or university to purchase food locally.