HomeMy Cooking Adventures

My Cooking Adventures

Boszorkanyhab- Witches’ Froth- Baked Apple Mousse

Even if this recipe hadn’t looked very good, I might have made it anyways just because of its name.  Luckily for me it was...

Borju Porkolt- Hungarian Veal Paprika Stew

After a number of complicated, multi-step recipes, this veal stew was a total breeze and a welcome change of pace.  Nothing complicated or fancy...

Yongun Chonggwa- Candied Lotus Roots

Aren’t these pretty?  The timing of these was just about perfect because they taste exactly like jelly beans.  I kid you not.  I think...

Red Date and Walnut Sticky Rice

I couldn’t help myself.  These are typically rolled into balls for a snack, but their beautiful red hue was practically begging to be made...

Napa Cabbage Kimchi

I suppose it would have made the most sense for me to post this at the beginning of my time in Korea, especially since...

Kimchi Fried Rice

Fried rice is pretty much the ultimate quick, healthy and filling meal.  Although the healthy part doesn’t necessarily ring true in Hawaii, where most...

Jamaican Festival Fried Cornbread

Some of you might remember that my last attempt at fried cornmeal fritters didn’t go so well.  But try, try again I say.  Plus,...

Ginger Jelly with Honey Molasses Syrup

Another country, another ginger-centric recipe.  I suppose you could consider this a grown up version of jello: it has a more sophisticated flavor and...

Cold Coffee Soufflé

This is exactly the type of dessert I generally avoid.  Namely because it relies on one critical step that I usually botch: unmolding the...

Coconut Cream Pudding

This dessert is about as sophisticated as a Snack Pack Pudding cup.  I don’t necessarily mean that as a bad thing- I was eating...