HomeMy Cooking Adventures

My Cooking Adventures

Baked Jerk Meatballs with a Sweet Glaze

Did you guy see the post on Serious Eats about the blogger creating burger recipes for every country in the world?  I feel like...

Red-Red Stew – Ghanaian Spicy Black-Eyed Peas with Plantain Pillows

One can only imagine whether UB40 would have had the same success if they’d titled their hit song Red Red Stew as opposed to...

Pan Boxty, Irish Potato Pancake

I’m sure you guys realized that a potato recipe would be coming sooner or later.  One of Ireland’s favorite ways to use their most...

Mejadra- Israeli Rice with Lentils

If this Israeli mejadra was in a one-on-one competition with my go-to Indian lentil rice pilaf, it might lose if judged as a one-item meal.  The Indian version’s...

Grilled Oysters with Garlic Butter Topping and Gluten-Free Breadcrumbs

Oysters have been an extremely important shellfish to the Irish for centuries and so I thought now was the perfect time to reacquaint myself with...

Jerusalem Mixed Grill Recipe

Think you’re not an offal fan?  This Jerusalem mixed grill recipe might just convert you.  Chicken livers and chicken breast cooked in a baharat spice...

Israeli Malabi Pudding

It was only after I chose Israel as one of my first culinary destinations that I learned a debate as to whether Israel has...

Indonesian Fried Bananas

Last weekend I went to the Punahou Carnival.  Although I was extremely excited to see a sign for gluten-free nacho plates (!!!), I still got a little jealous...

Gluten-Free Amaranth Honey Cake

I guess honey cake is traditional for Rosh Hashanah because I saw versions of it in many of the Israeli cookbooks I looked through.  It was...

Acarajé- Brazilian Black-Eyed Pea Fritters

In the book Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon, main character Nacib quickly finds himself the owner of the most popular bar in town after his new cook, Gabriela,...