HomeMy Cooking Adventures

My Cooking Adventures

Ramp ‘n ricotta gnudi

If you’ve never taken a shovel to the forest floor and pulled out dinner, the heady scent of deep and rich forest dirt flooding...

Jam on it: Plum hot jelly & almond butter

Attention: this is a public service announcement You may remember this Plum hot jelly look, I know plum season seems like forever ago and forever...

Strawberry Ice cream

If you happened to be following what I've dubbed 'the butter chronicles' over here, then you know that there's a lotta bright and deep...

Kimchi Primer

If you were hanging around here last weekend, then you may know that I harvested a lot of Napa cabbage, for what has become...

Lavender Rhubarb Jam

I love lavender I mean c'mon - who doesn't love lavender? Any luva of lavendu is a luva a mine... ahem. That's why I'll...

Cool cukes: Quick & Easy ferments

It's been one of those summers. one of those that happens more and more frequently. fall is falling before summer even sums. If you know...

Rhubarb krack

Yes i did think twice about calling this monster, and hence this post, rhubarb krack. in fact, at first type i had the old-fashioned...

Golden jelly

Some of you may remember this from last year. You may also remember that we here in the northeast had such a rainy growing...

New england apple butter

Fall is the season of new england. there is no doubt about it in my book (blog?); it’s the legend of sleepy hollow, pumpkins...

Straight up Greengage jam

Finally! whew! I didn't think i would be gone this long. but on labor day weekend i had a few friends over to a...