Moonshadow Farm (Wausau,WI)
Moonshadow Farm is a family owned farm founded in 1990 and has been certified organic since 1997. We grow 20 acres of 18 varieties of medicinal herbs and 10 acres of mixed vegatables. We have 2 large greenhouses for production of early tomatoes, peppers, cukes and summer squash, usually with harvest begining in mid May. We also grow winter salad greens from Oct. – April in the greenhouse. We sell at farm markets in central and northern Wisconsin and have a CSA program begining in May with 9 drop locations. We offer 4 CSA choices: a spring greenhouse share (eggs, salad greens, early veggies), standard and large summer shares and a winter storage share. Boxes include a colorful mix of farm fresh vegatables, culinary herbs, eggs and our farm newsletter.
6832 N 128th Ave
Wausau,WI 54401
Contact Information
Blaine Tornow
Mailing Address: |