Alice Santiago

Carrots In The Jar With Acid

First you need to click on this link get the melody in your head and continue: Picture yourself in a jar underwater with salt, herbs and...

Quince in Rose Syrup

Lest you think i'm a cool cat. i thought i'd share this with you, an email i sent to julia of what julia ate...

Nectarine Preserves With Summer Savory & White Pepper

I've got a confession to make. I'm a butt girl. That's right. The juicier the better. ...peachy little butts that is. I'm not picky...

Kimchi Primer

If you were hanging around here last weekend, then you may know that I harvested a lot of Napa cabbage, for what has become...

Homemade Yogurt

For the past two weeks i can't say i haven't thought about you. I have been eating a lot. turkey, hell, probably the entire eastern mediterranean...

Ancho Apple Butter

I couldn't help myself. it's fall and the apples are fallin' everywhere around here. This tree was here long before i even knew what a...

Ramp Greens Kimchi

Perhaps you jumped on the spring rampage with me and pickled a whole lotta ramp bottoms a few days ago. which means you gotz a...

Apple Pectin (& confiture de vieux garçon)

Johnny appleseed is my homey. Well, at least he would have been if i had lived in the 1700's. he was born in massachusetts...

Spring Rampage Pickles

Yes i know everyone is doing ramp pickles right now. But this is less about pickled ramps and more of a study in spring...

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