HomeMy Cooking Adventures

My Cooking Adventures

Asian Broccoli with Garlic and Ginger

You’d think that since I have a food blog that I wouldn’t fall into ruts in my eating.  Sadly that’s not the case.   In...

Peppermint Bark Ice Cream

Fashonistas eagerly anticipate the September issues of fashion magazines; I eagerly anticipate the Williams-Sonoma holiday catalog, filled with all  sorts of goodies that a...

Maple Walnut Fudge

A couple years ago, when I was unable to travel to New England to see family for Christmas, my mother sent me a holiday...

Classic French Beef Stew (with an Asian Twist)

Beef cubes simmered in a red wine and beef broth until it’s so tender that it can be cut with a spoon?  Purely French. That...

Chocolate Hazelnut Financiers with Chocolate Ganache

I think I need help.  I can’t seem to stop making financiers and financier-like mini tea cakes.  But after the recent successes of the...

40 Cloves of Garlic Quiche

The bar, my friends, has officially been raised. From this point forward, this quiche will be the benchmark against which all others will be judged.  ...

Tarte au Citron- Lemon Tart

Although I’d like to consider myself a relatively good cook and baker, I’m pretty sure that I’d flunk Decorative Arts and Design if I...

Julia Child’s Quiche Lorraine, Gluten-Free

I’ve noticed over the past year and a half that I tend to shy away from trying and posting recipes from the revered masters,...

Gluten-Free Chocolate Crêpes

A couple months ago, when I was working my way through a Sam’s Club 3-pack of Nutella, I became obsessed with the idea of...

Roasted Carrot and Quinoa Salad

A couple weeks ago my favorite restaurant in Honolulu, Downtown @HiSAM, shut down.  Located inside the Hawaii State Art Museum (in the downtown area,...