There have been a few inquiries about my ghee making procedure, so here goes…
but first i have to say that even i cannot believe the color of this ghee (made from this butter). it positively glows in real life! grass people, cows need to eat grass! down with dull butter! if you can’t find yourself a cow, then find yourself a farmer with a cow who lets her munch on grass all day long. put the sunshine back in your butter. it’s good for you, good for the cows, and good for the earth!
ok, now the ghee.
People, i’ve seen a lotta ghee recipes zipping around here in the blogosphere (will merriam-webster please just accept that word already so we can all know how to spell it!) and i have no intentions of being the ghee police, but, i learned from a ghee making master. i learned with my own two eyes and paws how to make ghee from the author of classic indian cooking and classic indian vegetarian and grain cooking. the two most seminal books on indian cooking in the west, around since the 80’s and reprinted a kazillian times.
just ‘sayin. Ghee
Start with really soft best quality non-salted butter. place it in a saucepan and put the heat on medium low. keep cooking for about 20-30 minutes. watch the bubbles on the top – they always go through the following steps: first all of the butter melts completely and it’s foamy on top. then large bubbles start from the side and bubble across the top, they bubble for a while and get even larger. after a bit, very tiny small bubbles take over and cover the top. start checking the bottom around this time. it’s crucial not to burn it, the bottom will be just a bit browned but not burnt. this is what gives ghee that wonderful, slightly nutty flavor that is different from western clarified butter.
pour through a strainer with a layer of butter muslin or double layer of cheese cloth directly into a mason jar.Ghee will last at room temperature for months. room temperature should not be overly hot and do not let sun shine directly on it.
Ghee has a very high smoke point and is what i use most often in cooking. the subject of cooking fat is a wide and difficult one to navigate. i’ve always done best by following traditional food ways, and ghee has been used for cooking it seems since the beginning of time. it not only taste divine, but it’s considered by many to be the healing nectar of the gods.