…so it’s been a busy week for me and i haven’t had time to put much of anything up for later. But, i have something i think you’re gonna like just the same: two copies – straight from the publisher – of put ’em up! a comprehensive home preserving guide for the creative cook by sherri brooks vinton it’s quite possibly my favorite preserving book to come out this season! great recipes and clear instructions on everything from canning, freezing, drying, fermenting and more.
Since sherri offers quite a few ways to preserve herbs, beans & greens, including two i can’t wait to try: savory blueberry & basil jam, and herbed grape jam, i can’t think of a better way to celebrate this week’s summer fest 2010 than winning a copy. can you?
Roar about your favorite way to celebrate herbs, beans & greens below, especially how you put ’em up for later, for a chance to win! please comment by midnight on friday august 20th. winners will be chosen by that trusty random number generator directly thereafter.
Happy summer fest 2010!