
Must Try Recipes

Most of you have probably heard the saying “when life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” If you’ve ever really thought about it – it makes a lot of sense.

I don’t know how your summer has been so far, but in new england it’s been cool, rainy and hardly a summer at all. i keep waiting for summer to kick in, keep waiting for tons of fruit to jam, tomatoes to paste, cukes to ferment, chilis to dry, and so on and so on…

Folks, up here in my neck of the woods, it’s been a lemon of a summer. as july catches up to august i’m realizing that i gotta work it out – i need to stop lamenting this lack of fermenting! and so i say…when new england hands you a cool & rainy summer, not a day above 75

make kimchi!


Even if you’re busy making lemonade this july, i say find a cool place and give it a try. if you do, by fall you’ll be lining up those jars and emptying your local farmers market of it’s savoy cabbage…

and you’ll have a bunch of these little guys sitting around your kitchen making small talk:

they’re not bad conversationalists i must say…enjoy!

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