GAPS-friendly Honey Lemonade

Must Try Recipes

I was gifted five pounds of organic lemons out of the blue last weekend and that means I spent the whole week trying out different lemon recipes because no food goes to waste at my house.

One of the recipes I attempted was this really simple honey lemonade. I love lemonade but I rarely make it myself because it always seemed so time-consuming to me. But I couldn’t be more wrong!

The combination of acidic lemons and sweet honey works surprisingly well together and it’s a perfect drink that is both refreshing and cozily sweet at the same time. All it takes to make one large batch of this lemonade is one cup of fresh lemon juice. The recipe is very simple and I’m going to share it with you in a minute.

But first I want to mention what I did with all the other lemons. After all, using up all five pounds of them is not a possible task in a home environment. My solution is to squeeze all of the juice out, zest everything that can be zested, and put the results in the freezer for future use.

I use ice cube trays to freeze lemon juice. Just put some juice in the tray, let it freeze, take the cubes out and transfer them to a separate container, and you have the ice cube tray back to yourself!

The zest is a little bit trickier. I usually transfer it to miniscule freezer bags or freezer-friendly container. I keep them separated in small amounts so that I can easily take and de-freeze only the amount I need for the recipe I’m making.

Ok, let’s get on with the recipe for honey-sweetened lemonade! P.S. lemon isn’t really friendly for beginners of the GAPS diet but in this recipe, it’s heavily diluted with water so I think it should be fine for most people.

Necessary equipment:

  • a citrus juice
  • a sharp knife
  • a large mixing bowl
  • a whisk
  • a wooden spoon
  • a glass pitcher


  • 2 quartz of freshly filtered water
  • 1 cup of lemon juice
  • ½ cup of raw organic honey
  • a pinch of sea salt


  1. Combine the water, lemon juice, and honey in a large mixing bowl. Whisk vigorously until the honey is completely dissolved.
  2. Pour your mixture into the pitcher.
  3. Add a pinch of salt and stir with a wooden spoon.
  4. Optional: Feel free to garnish with mint or add some ice cubes if your goal is to quench that summer thirst.

Enjoy this delicious lemonade!

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