Preserving Food

Ramp Greens Kimchi

Perhaps you jumped on the spring rampage with me and pickled a whole lotta ramp bottoms a few days ago. which means you gotz a...

Strawberry Preserves: Tellecheri & Smokin

Actually we already went, Julia, Kate, Shae and I. We had fun and of course we ate; took photos of what we ate of...

Can jam march round-up: Allium

Can i officially change the name to all-yums? I am truly excited about a number of the entries this month! the now 'bottled' delicacies lounging...

Can Amongst Yourselves

It’s true confession time. I haven’t canned a damn thing since I put a bunch of rhubarb in jars back in early June. there,...

Hot damn chile pickle!

My tomatoes might have been a little worse for wear after my 3 week absence, most of them took a suicide leap that ended...

Carrot fire pickle #2

F. I. R. E. the roof is on fire. carrot fire pickle #2 adapted from at home with madhur jaffrey 12 medium carrots, chopped to 3/4 inch pieces 1 cup sri...

Meyer lemon pickle with nigella

If you’ve been over here lately, then you know how much i enjoy early mornings, and you know what a beautiful view I relish up in...

Blue apple jam with fennel & bay

I wanted to title this post ‘fall!’ but as any good blogger knows if there’s a recipe in the post you gotta name the recipe...

Ancho Apple Butter

I couldn't help myself. it's fall and the apples are fallin' everywhere around here. This tree was here long before i even knew what a...

Srilankan Mustard

If the view out your window right about now looks something like this, Just the snow and the cold people - not the tracks!...