Preserving Food

Quince & Cranberry Holiday Preserves

Remember that red stuff in a can that used to add just the right sour-sweetness to the turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes? of course...

Sweet n’ spicy lemon pickle

Act #1 not all pickles have vinegar in them that may be a surprise to some of you, and to be sure a lot of pickles...

Shell-stocked (shellfish stock)

Yes, i said i eat (shell)fish occasionally! so occasionally in fact at this point in my life that i've had exactly one lobster dinner...

Tigress can jam: a food blog challenge!

this past few months we’ve talked about the trend of canning, witnessed the beginning of the canvolution and a rise in the blogosphere of...

Curried Green Zebras

the tomatoes! and while i'm on the subject of tomatoes...oh how i loved him (R.I.P) he was so beautiful, inside and out. ahem. ok, so...

Sweet butter

8 gallons of cream (plus 2 gallons of buttermilk). If you were following along here then you may know that i drove to vermont early this...

Onions pickled pink

I must admit these onions were not the only things pickled pink this weekend. also pickled & fermented pinkly were these beets and this sauerkraut (which turned...

Can jam January round-up: Citrus

(photo diane d'angelo) Remember that brady bunch episode where jan was going through middle sister angst? "all i ever hear is... marsha, marsha, marsha!" I wonder what...

Onionz limone chutney

Let me tell ya the story about onionz limone. ya see, onionz was a big talker. until one day, the boss told me to...


Squash, melons, cukes... I love their mischievous ways and dr. seuss looks from leaf to fruit. so imagine my delight when ms gloria of laundry etc. used...